Make Sure The Gear You Use Is Safe
Knowing that the gear and equipment your staff use to do the work is safe is an important part of any small business. You don’t want people arriving at jobs with gear that isn’t certified, up to the task or worst still, unsafe.
Do you know if your business has a good process to make sure all gear checks and certifications are done? If so, do you know where you would find them? - and saying Nancy has them somewhere is not okay!
Using PeopleSafe makes it simple to manage your gear
Chasing old invoices isn’t the smartest way to figure out when your gear was last serviced. You need a way of managing your gear that's simple and doesn’t take a huge amount of time away from the work you do. PeopleSafe helps you create a list of all your gear, records all the checks and certifications you've done, and gives you automatic reminders, which saves you time and money.
Great benefits of using PeopleSafe to manage your gear
Gear register
A complete list of all your gear and equipment in one placeAutomatic reminders
Never miss a certification, scheduled maintenance or service againPut everything in the one place
User manuals, warranties and insurance policiesOne click gear reports
These will tell you if any gear checks have expired
One place for all your gear check records
PeopleSafe gives you a single place to go to record the checks, certifications and maintenance that is done on your gear. A whole lot of magic starts to happen by simply recording the gear check in PeopleSafe .
If a certification, check or maintenance period expires you’ll get a reminder a month before it does, giving you plenty of time to get things sorted. You’ll soon find it becomes your best friend by making sure you don’t accidentally forget that the insurance for the building is due, or the warrant on the Toyota expires next month.
Plus it’s really easy to find checks that have been done with our super-fast search engine.
Sign up to PeopleSafe and get started
Knowing that all your gear is in check is just a few clicks away and it only takes a few moments to get underway using PeopleSafe. It's also important to remember that you don’t have to use all our amazing features at once. Start with small steps to make a big difference.