Know The Big Risks Your Jobs Create

Small businesses that are good at managing risks know about the risks that come up everyday, covering both the jobs and the work they do.

They understand that it's important to record the risks so their staff know and can be reminded about them easily. They also work together through the risks to find practical solutions so that nobody gets hurt, or no equipment damaged.

PeopleSafe makes managing risks easy and real

Keeping a record of your risks and hazards is no easy task, especially when you have to have control plans in place to make the big risks safer. Often things get forgotten about and fall through the cracks, which has the potential to be deadly. PeopleSafe helps you keep a track of all the risks that come up and can help you make sure that everyone knows about them. It'll also guide you through a step-by-step process so you can think about how to make the risks you work with safer.

Great benefits of using PeopleSafe to manage your risks

  1. Simple to record the risks and hazards
  2. Staff can get involved
  3. Automatic reminders to review hazards and risks
  4. Create online video learning

Keep track of everything with a hazard register

PeopleSafe software gives you a risk and hazard register, which means that any risk you record gets put into a master list that can be accessed and added to anytime. Simply by having the risks in a list that you and your staff can see is a big step in the right direction. You don’t have to do everything at once.

From there you can work through your hazard list to create plans and solutions to make working with risks safer. Your staff all have a login to PeopleSafe so they can see both the risks and solutions in place. This means that they can stay aware of the risks and know how to keep safe around them.

Sign up to PeopleSafe and get started

From an area that often gets forgotten about to something that is easy to put in place and manage, let PeopleSafe help manage your risks and hazards.

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