Paperless accident reporting
Having a central record of all the accidents, hazards, and basically any story that happens as part of the work you do is important. Not only does it help you make sure you work out and fix the things that are going wrong, it also makes sure you don’t break the law.
No more nasty old paper records!
Traditionally this has been people having nasty old paper records, accident books, the back of a serviette or frankly, most not recording them at all. This is a real problem, as not only are you breaking the law, you're not valuing the people that have been hurt.
PeopleSafe uses our very own process called “Tell Your Story” which guides you through all the questions you need to answer to do the right things. All staff can log in and easily let you know whats going on. You then complete a review of any story that gets told just to make sure all the facts are true and correct.
Why we do it this way
We think it's important that your staff do get involved as it's them that will be hurt or injured. Other systems we know have strict gatekeepers which makes sure that all stories that get told are sanitised and cleaned up so that often they don't look anything like what really happened.
At a glance
- Emails and text alerts
- No more paperwork
- No jargon
- Log in anytime and anywhere
“We are finding that staff are filling in and reporting hazards a lot more quickly and efficiently with PeopleSafe than they would have done with paper.”